the newspaper " the KOMSOMOL TRUTH "
In article « I - zombi! » Journalist Galina Sapozhnikova has told
and about practical result of variants of zombiing: « the Fulfilled
material of experiments on creation of ideal killers? »
Let's remind, what questions to authorities of all levels still
remain with inhabitants of Moscow. Last week they were briefly formulated
by one of recent city dwellers - Boris Berezovsky:
1. Why FSB, despite of long-term interaction with clan Baraev, has
allowed act of terrorism, to which it should know about preparation?
2. Why the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not prevented
penetration into the center of Moscow of the armed group of several tens
3. Why all without exception terrorists who could testify about
organizers of act of terrorism, have been killed sleeping when they could
not show resistance?
4. Why any of terrorists has not started an explosive,
notwithstanding what lulling action of gas has borrowed not less than 10
minutes? Whether there was in general an explosive at theatre?
5. Why operation of special services in DYBROVKA has been lead
without corresponding preparation of saving brigades? Why were lost 137
Gryzlov's relations with Luzhkov after "Northeast" have become
aggravated up to a limit. Under some data, minister Gryzlov in reports to
the president directly assigned to Luzhkov and controllable by him the
Moscow militia and urban services the responsibility for the missed act of
terrorism, a failure of " a humanitarian part of operation » and even for
"outflow" of the operative information from a counterterrorist staff. All
these accusations have been directed on finally to deduce{remove} the
Moscow militia « from under Luzhkov ».
(It is published in the newspaper "Conservative" ¹ [12] from
Nurali LATYPOV'S version
« The express train the newspaper » ¹ 43 (405)
« … I am convinced: Chechens - only executors, some kind of killers
in the struggle organized Russian against Russian. And chaos in law
enforcement bodies in day of capture - superfluous to a volume
confirmation. It could arise only as a result of powerful covering
operation from above. Remembering about a presumption of innocence, I
shall not begin to name names of those who theoretically could provide
such covering. But in a heat of political strike the purpose of customers
of act of terrorism on DYBROVKA is obvious. Namely - to truncate hands to
the President of Russia, the leader firm and a consistent policy of
disposal of an old heritage in the supreme echelons of power.
Candidates on a start and those who is interested in their stay at
authority, finance, and can, even make powerful analytical group of
planning not only today's, but also perspective actions of terrorists … »
Russian conceptions have made the sensational analysis of events in
From a position of " the general course of things » it is obvious,
that the PURPOSES of the action on capture of hostages were:
1. To remove V.Putin from a management of the country.
2. To prepare people of Russia for enthusiastic perception of an
establishment in the country of international-fascism,
... Have organized Putin's persecution in mass-media...
Besides closing of "Moskovia" completely untied hands of
In this light capture of hostages in Moscow was convenient for
"family" finally "to fall down" Putin. Calculation here is simple. Using
that all levers of management are at them and that by virtue of it
"family" are in a rate of everything that makes and Putin plans, to finish
business with the second "õàñàâþðòà"(hasavyurt), guilty for which to
expose Putin. It is one variant. And another was also.
During the tightened negotiations with terrorists under pressure of
"public opinion" in Russia revolution is made. Putin as unable to
establish the order in the country is discharged, and in the country the
fascist mode is entered. With terrorists thus finish so that any of them
did not remain
And for "family" - resignation (for the beginning). Therefore also
goan Malashenko with Mlechin on TVC because have understood: there comes
the end to their "elite" parasitism on a body of people.
Such opinion Malashenko states because feels support (or most
likely carries out a problem{task}) certain political forces which are
interested in that requirements of terrorists have been executed.
1. At Putin hands are now untied, but there are no forces to carry
out cleaning the staff. He should help all sane people with the country.
2. Clans in confusion. They were frightened. Here Luzhkov was
brightly defined{determined}. 27.10.02 in a telecast with Pozner he was
unequivocally demarcated with "family", Luzhkov artful and skilled
politics. He has understood, that there will be a cleaning and has in due
time borrowed safe (as it seems to him) a position.
Konstantin Petrov,
Chairman of Presidium TSS
Conceptual party "Unification"
Specially for "ÏÐÀÂÄA.Ðó".(PRAVDA.Ru)
My version.
It completely agree from K.Petrovym, only all organization concerns
not to Yeltsin's "family", and to Luzhkov's "family". Putin's persecution
through mass-media execute " Moscow komsomoletc ", TVC and Luzhkov's other
Moscow mass-media. And dictatorship, mafia fascism always proceeded from
Luzhkov, instead of from Yeltsin.
The first experiment of act of zombi-terrorism is carried out
before a building of FSB. To this building there has arrived by the lorry
the driver and started to threaten with explosion of the machine. Appeared
in a result that at the driver the mentality has been broken.
During the same period was strange capture of exchange office, with
the subsequent suicide of the aggressor.
Terrorists on DYBROVKA also were at a level not political and
primitive, under influence of drugs (?), chemical means (?) of executors.
Or electronic way processed. With long, a spadework, at a plenty of
participants, that always was possible, at desire of FSB, to reveal.
On TVS the deputy of the State Duma (Pohmelkin?) has told, that one
of the Chechen terrorists was preliminary, before act of terrorism, is
arrested and should be at this time in prison.
The political certificate{act} which could take place if really
Chechen politics participated in it... Has not taken place.
And the enormous political positive result was received by everyone
who participated in it a farce, except for Chechens.
One week prior to these events in Moscow militian orders up to 3-4
person have been increased and the quantity{amount} of orders has been
increased in 3 times, basically in the underground and at buildings of the
underground. 3 days prior to act of terrorism there was a closed meeting
Putin - Luzhkov, could be considered{examined} and questions on
development of it act of terrorism
And the basic version. This act of terrorism - in Luzhkov's
interests and his{its} executors - MosUFSB to distract from investigation
of their crimes, and further, as the additional reason for displacement of
the President.
Therefore there were Luzhkov's trips
… Luzhkov's Next advertising nonsense on turn of the rivers back …
Luzhkov's mass-media again lift a question on displacement of
president Putin Yeltsin's by "Family" (TVC, transfer « the Moment of true
»). Considering, that « at such change of the president by Yeltsin » to
support Putin it is better its time (?) replacement by Luzhkov.
The new Government with Luzhkov's people , from Primakov, Boos up
to Gusev, Poptcov is available also at Patrushev's support.
Deputies of the State Duma, S.Jushenkovym and V.Pohmelkinym carried
out investigation of an alternative variant of acts of terrorism -
explosions of houses and "zombi" from Dubrovka. S.Jushenkov for it also
has been killed by special services from FSB.
All are ready to State's criminal revolution
The composer of page Beljaev Vladimir